Power Purchase Agreement in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Guide

In Bangladesh, power purchase agreements (PPAs) are essential for facilitating the development of renewable energy projects. The government and private sector players are aggressively pushing for the development of renewable energy in Bangladesh, and PPAs are the cornerstone of these initiatives. In this article, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of PPAs and how they work in Bangladesh.

What is a Power Purchase Agreement?

A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a legal agreement between a power generator (usually a renewable energy project developer) and a buyer of electricity (usually a utility company). The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the sale of electricity, including the price, the volume, and the duration of the agreement.

PPAs are important because they provide project developers with a guaranteed revenue stream for the electricity they produce. This, in turn, makes it easier for them to secure financing for their projects.

PPAs in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing economies in South Asia, and the government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy development. The government has set a target of generating 10% of the country`s power from renewable sources by 2021, and 40% by 2041.

To achieve these targets, the government has implemented several policies to support the development of renewable energy, including offering tax incentives, providing subsidies, and streamlining the regulatory framework.

PPAs are an essential component of the government`s renewable energy policy. The government has introduced standard PPAs for renewable energy projects, which outline the standard terms and conditions for the sale of electricity. These PPAs are governed by the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC).

PPAs for Solar Power Projects

Solar power is one of the most popular sources of renewable energy in Bangladesh. The government has set a target of generating 10% of the country`s power from solar by 2021. To achieve this target, the government has offered several incentives for solar power project developers, including a feed-in-tariff (FIT) and tax exemptions.

Solar power projects in Bangladesh are typically developed under a Build-Own-Operate (BOO) or Build-Own-Transfer (BOT) model. Under these models, the project developer builds the solar power plant, owns and operates it for a specified period, and then transfers ownership to the government or utility company.

The PPA for solar power projects in Bangladesh outlines the terms and conditions for the sale of electricity, including the price, volume, and duration of the agreement. The PPA also specifies the technical requirements for the power plant, such as minimum efficiency levels and maximum downtime.

PPAs for Wind Power Projects

Wind power is another popular source of renewable energy in Bangladesh. The government has set a target of generating 5% of the country`s power from wind by 2021. To achieve this target, the government has offered several incentives for wind power project developers, including a FIT and tax exemptions.

Wind power projects in Bangladesh are typically developed under a BOT model. The project developer builds the wind turbines, owns and operates them for a specified period, and then transfers ownership to the government or utility company.

The PPA for wind power projects in Bangladesh outlines the terms and conditions for the sale of electricity, including the price, volume, and duration of the agreement. The PPA also specifies the technical requirements for the wind turbines, such as minimum efficiency levels and maximum downtime.


Power purchase agreements are an essential component of the renewable energy market in Bangladesh. The government has implemented several policies to support the development of renewable energy, and PPAs provide project developers with a guaranteed revenue stream for the electricity they produce.

If you`re interested in developing a renewable energy project in Bangladesh, it`s essential to understand the intricacies of power purchase agreements. Whether you`re developing a solar power project or a wind power project, understanding the terms and conditions of a PPA is crucial for securing financing and ensuring the long-term success of your project.