The Rush-Bagot Agreement and the Convention of 1818 Compromises: A Historic Moment in US-Canada Relations

The Rush-Bagot Agreement and the Convention of 1818 Compromises marked a significant moment in the history of the United States and Canada. These compromises helped to establish the peaceful coexistence of these two nations and set the tone for future diplomatic relations. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the events that led up to the compromises, as well as their impact on US-Canada relations.

The Rush-Bagot Agreement

The Rush-Bagot Agreement was signed in 1817 between the United States and Great Britain. It was named after its two negotiators, Richard Rush from the US and Charles Bagot from Great Britain. The agreement was designed to reduce the military presence on the Great Lakes, which had been a source of tension between the two nations.

Under the agreement, the US and Great Britain agreed to limit their naval forces on the Great Lakes to just two vessels of no more than 100 tons each. This effectively demilitarized the region and helped to alleviate fears of a military conflict.

The Convention of 1818

The Convention of 1818 is another important moment in US-Canada relations. This treaty was signed between the US and Great Britain and focused on defining the border between the two nations. Prior to the treaty, the border was undefined and had been a source of tension between the two nations.

Under the Convention of 1818, the US and Great Britain agreed to the 49th parallel as the boundary between the US and Canada from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. The treaty also established joint occupancy of the Oregon Territory for ten years.

Impact on US-Canada Relations

The Rush-Bagot Agreement and the Convention of 1818 marked a turning point in US-Canada relations. These compromises helped to establish a foundation of peaceful coexistence and diplomacy between the two nations. They also set a precedent for future diplomatic negotiations between the US and Canada.

The demilitarization of the Great Lakes and the establishment of a clear border between the US and Canada helped to alleviate tensions and reduce the likelihood of military conflict. These compromises also allowed for increased trade and commerce between the two nations, which has only grown stronger over time.


The Rush-Bagot Agreement and the Convention of 1818 Compromises were historic moments in US-Canada relations. These compromises helped to establish a peaceful coexistence between the two nations and set a precedent for future diplomatic negotiations. Today, the US and Canada enjoy a strong and mutually beneficial relationship, which can be traced back to these important moments in history.